June 2016
June 28, 2016
BALTIMORE, June 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- An alliance to prevent Legionnaire's disease has recently launched www.PreventLegionnaires.org , a brand new website aimed at providing the public with information about Legionella bacteria, its source and how individuals become infected with Legionnaires' disease. The website launch coincides with the release of the CDC Vital Signs and Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), confirming that "the most common source of building-associated Legionnaire's disease outbreaks was drinkable water (56 percent)." PreventLegionnaires.org was peer reviewed
June 8, 2016
EVAPCO Welcomes New CDC Legionella Prevention Guidelines that Focus on Building Water System Management CDC Vital Signs data also concluded that “the most common source of building-associated Legionnaire’s disease outbreaks was drinkable water (56 percent).” BALTIMORE, June 7, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new guidelines in the fight to prevent Legionnaires' disease. The publication of the toolkit is a giant step forward in offering practical guidelines to help building owners control Legionella bacteria once it has entered their